Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cinderella - Traditional Literature

I read Cinderella, retold by Paul Galdone, for one of my traditional literature titles. This was interesting because right away I noticed a difference between this version of the story and Disney's version. In Disney's Cinderella, her father has died and that is when Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters start to pick on her and make her do chores around the house and basically treat her as a maid. In this book, however, her father is still alive and simply ruled completely by his new wife. Also, one thing I thought was interesting was that in the book, when Cinderella tries on the glass slipper and pulls the matching shoe out of her pocket, the godmother returns and turns her back into the lovely princess she was at the ball. This part is not in the Disney movie.

However, I thought that overall, the differences were small. I love this fairytale and thought that Paul Galdone did a wonderful job with it. I liked the pictures in the book but sometimes felt there was almost too much going on in them. I would consider having this particular version of Cinderella in my classroom.

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