Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Color Dance -Lit Based Lesson Plan

Color Dance by Ann Jonas is the book I picked for my literature-based lesson plan. Throughout the book, there were children in different colored leotards and matching large scarves that they were holding. These children would put their scarves together to mix the colors and make new colors.

While I believe this book could be good for teaching students about mixing colors, it seemed to me that was the only thing I would use it for. Other than that the children in the book were holding scarves and wearing leotards, there was no connection to dance as I hoped there might be and there was no story-line, just children blending colors. Also, while I thought this would be a good book for young children (say first grade), I did find a lot of unusual color words such as vermilion and chartreuse which may need explained to them. This would probably not be a book I would keep in my classroom unless I was using it to teach color mixing.

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