Friday, November 28, 2008

Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type - Required Reading

Click, Clack Moo: Cows That Type, by Doreen Cronin is about a group of cows on a farm. One day, they find the farmer's old typewriter. They decided to write to the farmer asking for electric blankets because the farm is cold at night. They refuse to give milk and the hens refuse to give eggs until the farmer gives them electric blankets. Finally, the farmer sends duck with a compromise; the cows will get electric blankets if they give the typewriter to duck so he can bring it back to the farmer. All is well with the cows, but the typewriter never leave the hands of the ducks... they want a diving board!

I loved this book! I read it to the five-year-old girl I babysit and she enjoyed it too. She liked the repetitive "click, clack, moo! Click, clack, moo!" However, she had some trouble with the final "Clickety Clack moo!" I would read this with kindergartners or maybe first graders but probably not older than that. This book could be a way to start a discussion about letter writing. I believe it would be a hit in a primary classroom.

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